Sunday, July 8, 2012

Pixie Cut Update!

It is July! Holy tits, it has been incredibly hot. Not just hot (80-90 degree range), but HOT hot hot (over 100). This is Chicago weather. I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing next week. Just playing, that'd be pretty crazy...

Anyway, I know I don't post as often as I had promised myself, but I wanted to make an update on my hair since it has grown quite a bit in the last month. I should really measure my hair, but I don't have the time. I have classes over the summer (for engineering) and I work now (as a computer specialist at school).

I just took these pictures when I woke up, so please excuse the fact that I am quite gross, and also, I'm still in bed, as you can tell.

It's almost bob status. My ear is completely covered now. It has almost been 4 months since the faux hawk. My hair was super duper short, you can refer back to an old post to see! DAYUM SONNN BOB STATUS!!! Can't wait, I'm excited.

This has been how I've been styling it lately. Bobby pinning the sides so it kind of still looks like a pixie cut. Yurrr!!! So I'll come back with another post as soon as possible. Hopefully my hair will be bob status by then. :)

Peace and blessings <3 ThePatientUndergrad

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Introducing the Hair Wig!

Happy Father's Day everyone! It's only noon, but I've already spent my morning with my dad. Played tennis and had lunch. Balls, it is hot in the good city of Chicago. Anyway, I didn't post last week so I was thinking of maybe double-posting today! I've been busy with the start of summer classes, my friend's brother's wedding, etc.

Last week, I think on Wednesday or Thursday, my wig arrived from China. I ordered it off eBay for $20 or less just to see if I'd want to ever grow out my hair. No, I'd never actually wear it outside of my house unless it was Halloween or if I wanted to punk my boyfriend or something.

Actually, I showed him and he was kind of weirded out. Not the fact that I was wearing a wig, nor was it because it looked fake because in actuality, it looked pretty darn realistic, especially for the price. It was because he said I looked like a completely different person. Basically, all my girl friends that have known me since forever told me that long and short hair looks good on me, but that short hair suits my personality more.

My neighbor's cousins who never met me before said I looked much prettier with long hair, but when they started to get to know me, also agreed short hair suited me much more and that it was rare for a girl to pull off short hair. All the guys I've talked to think I should grow out my hair, except my boyfriend.

So, give me your opinion. Should I keep my hair short or long? Here's the wig!

You can see how my short hair looks in my first post! Here's how long the actual wig was:

Two more days till the three month-iversary of my hair growth since the faux hawk! Check out my next post for some random stuff I've been wanting to do. Peace!

<3 ThePatientUndergrad

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Pros and Cons of a Pixie Cut

Hair History

I've had short hair for about two years now. When I say short hair, I don't mean shoulder length. I mean my hair has been chin length or shorter for two years. I have to mention that because most girls would consider hair stopping above the boob to be short hair, c'mon ladies. Anyway, I've had a pixie cut for a good year now and I'm finally wanting to grow out my hair.

Actually, I lied. I've been wanting to grow out my hair several times during the year, but when it got to the awkward phase (i.e. mullet and bowl cut), I cut it all off with the same saying I repeat in my head every time. "You look good with a pixie cut Jenny, plus, hair is hair. It grows back," she'd say confidently. I should of been saying, "You want to grow out your hair, don't cut it. Yes, hair grows back, but it will never get longer if you keep cutting it ya dumb shit."

Perhaps I'm being a little hard on myself? Whatever. This has been an ongoing cycle at least a total of 5-6 times throughout the year. That's right, I cut my hair very frequently to maintain it. I'll show you the general gist of my hair throughout the year in three pictures. I also bleached my hair blonde at one point, but perhaps I'll show that in a different post.

I'd cut it.

It'd grow out.

Then I'd cut it even shorter.

So now I'm determined. I must do this out of patience-sake. My hair must return to this length and longer.

Go go Power Rangers bietches!!!

Now, some may say, "Yo J-dawg." In which I'd respond, "Mmyurrs?" "Why are you wanting to grow out yo hair when yo hair is hellar dope short and what-nots?"

Well person-who-can't-speak-Engrish-gewd, here is my list of pros and cons!

  • My head legitimately feels light as a feather
  • Nice for the summertime, lookin' fresh and feelin' it
  • Looks fantastic underneath a hat (disclaimer -- baby, I love hats)
  • My boyfriend loves me with short hair, but also, he's never seen me with long hair so...
  • Stylish and instantly edgy/chic
  • Girls love it, some guys really dig it
  • Pain in the ass to maintain, especially in the mornings when I have major cowlick
  • Shit ton of hair products that rip out my hair
  • SO EXPENSIVE, gotta get it cut every month my hair grows so fast
  • My fashion sense tends to be more masculine than the average girl so I'm sometimes mistaken for a lesbian (ignorant ass people)
  • I can't curl my hair anymore or do fancy braids
  • I only have one hairstyle
  • I'm bored of having the same hairstyle
  • Guys love long hair (not that I give a tit, so I suppose this isn't a real con)
There are probably more I could add to both lists, but this is all I could come up with in a minute's time. I'll be back with a new post at least every week! My hair has grown quite a bit since my faux hawk stage so...


<3 ThePatientUndergrad